Having trouble?
Before creating a bug report, double-check the existing posts on this forum and our Discord; your issue might have already been discussed!
If a post is found to be a duplicate of an already existing post, the post will be locked and a comment will be left directing the poster to the original post.
If you're unable to find a post for your issue, please read the "How do I file a bug report" before filing your report. Bug reports that do not follow the instructions below will most likely be locked or moved & edited.
If you're unable to explain your issue in detail, feel free to reach out on our Discord's tech-support
channel. We'd be more than willing to chat with you :)
How do I file a bug report?
Copy and paste the template below into a new post on our forum, then fill out the missing information to the best of your ability.
Issue Title: [title goes here]
A description of the bug
[a description of the issue here, you can be as verbose as you'd like; the more information the better]
Impacted Feature(s)
[a list of impacted features / platforms here]
Steps to Reproduce
[a list of steps that consistently reproduces the bug. If you're unable to reproduce the issue consistently PLEASE STATE SO HERE.]
Expected Result
[What should happen when you follow the steps above?]
Actual Result
[What actually happens?]
Overwolf Logs
[Either link to or add your Overwolf logs, if this is an issue for Insights Capture]
To conclude
- Bug reports received that do not match the template above will be edited / removed depending on the report's details.
- If you're experiencing an issue, but are unable to fit it into this template, feel free to reach out on our Discord's Technical Support chat- We should be able to figure out what's going on in a few messages :)
- Posting a bug report without consistent reproductions steps IS OKAY, however, the bug report must state that the steps are not consistent